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Citizens For Truckers Rights

CFTR was formed by a group of Truckers Wives that are concerned about what has come of the trucking industry. We have decided to take a stand and work for positive changes in the trucking industry.

CFTR is fighting to stop the current Hours Of Service Proposal, petitioning to stop Mexican Truckers from entering the US, getting more truck safe parking, improving the publics opinion of the Truck Driver, pay for wait time, lowering fuel cost and more. We have seen many changes in Trucking in the past few years, and many more are right around the corner. It is up to you the Truckers to make your opinions known.

The current HOS proposal will put thousands of new trucks and drivers on the road. This means more trucks waiting to load and unload. More trucks looking for a safe place to park. More trucks rollin down the highways. How long do you wait to load?? How many times have been told to have your load there at 7am only to wait till 11am to back up to the dock. Are you paid for this time? If not why? Aren't you worth it, after all it is your time. Have you lumped your own loads for $50.00 while knowing that if you where paying a lumper you would fork out $120.00. Why is your time worth less? These are just a few issues that we intend to work on.

We need to let Capital Hill know that the truckers are what keeps this great nation of ours going. Without Trucks America Stops. We need to stand up for our rights and fight to make a positive change in the industry. We have seen a few protest and petitions around this past year and that is great, but we can not stop there. We have to continue to write letters and send in petitions. In numbers will get noticed. Not over night but eventually......

Follow the links at the top of the page to learn more about us and what you can do to help make a positive change in the industry.


Sign the online PETITION to stop Mexican trucks from entering the US. We will be out in truck stops with a hard copy to be signed also...be sure to sign only one. Click here to sign petition

Younger Driver Proposal Feds Ask for Comments on Younger Driver Proposal. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced Tuesday it is asking for comments on the pilot program proposal, which would allow drivers 18-20 years old to drive in interstate commerce under strict conditions. Under current regulations, interstate commercial drivers must be at least 21 years old. Written comments on this proposal should be sent by May 21, 2001, to the USDOT Docket Facility, Attn: Docket No. FMCSA-2000-8410, Room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590-0001. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is posted on the Internet and can be viewed after searching at dms.dot.gov/ Comments also may be submitted electronically at this site.

Government is like the courts " if it ain't documented, it didn't happen." So we have made up a post card to send and all you have to do is fill in the blanks. This will allow us to keep a record of all email that all of us send to the Government concerning the issues that effect us "the drivers and drivers families". If you have or would rather send email using your email client and still want yours to be logged with us. Just send us a copy of yours or fill this one in and let us know that you have sent email or a letter already...

Click to fill in post cards you will be taken to a page with several topics to choose from.

We have form mailer for you to leave your comments. We also use this form to collect information on what you the driver has to deal with out there. If you have had an experience you would like to share please fill in the form here.

Your Comments

Please take the time to visit these industry links on our news and events page. Including trucking related media sites like etrucker.net and industry sites such as OOIDA.

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